Swords and Feathers Portfolio

My Name is Ritesh D. Singde. I’ve been a spiritual truth seeker ever since I was born. When I was 17 years old, I started my quest of spiritual abilities. That’s also when I was exposed to political rebellious ideas about freedom that resonated with me. My abilities started to awaken in 2015 when I was 20 of age. When I was 21, I lost control and was taken to psych ward for a month, electroshocked and I’ve been under neurotoxins since then when I should have been taken to a healer instead. This was when I started writing poetry passionately. Since then, I wrote more than 1300 poems. 400 poems are handwritten in books and 900 I lost in end of 2021 when my phone broke. I lost 900 poems, 900 memories. In beginning of 2022 I started over and ended up writing even better work. In mid-2022 I started writing longer poems/lyrics. I also enjoy attending poetry events such as open mic, spoken word.

Text area for writing