About Page

A good life and dignity should not be a luxury only the higher class should be able to afford. It should not be a privilege the poor dream about and the rich take for granted. The privilege isn't life, the privilege is the earth that we have to look after to live. And 'Swords and Feathers' is determined to help as many people as possible. I don't know what difference I can make but I hope to do my best and have positive impact in this world.

Swords and Feathers is a big hug for the earth, for life and for each individual. The way we make a difference is together. One person cannot change the world on his own but together we can make a neverending difference.

My poems are comforting and they'll brighten your day. I hope to help you in that way. And in return I ask that you donate something on the poems you like. I don't want to make a fixed price for everyone because I know not everyone can pay the same amount and no one should have to miss out on something like this. So I'm accepting donations instead of fixed price.

And to be honest with you I have to keep a bit of that money for my living. But majority of the income will go towards organizations that make this world a better place. I want to donate money for education, wildlife, climate, children, indigenous people etc.

Another way I can help is to recruit those who are struggling to find work. This will give them experience to find future employment. But this is until Swords and Feathers can afford to pay salaries.

And will free to check out the poetry tutorial, hints and tips videos. They will get you started on writing your own poetry if you are inspired. Poetry is a good way to see your emotions outside your mind and onto paper/ phone for reflections. And if you can I encourage you to donate something.

Link to About


The blossoming trees,
Anticipate spring breeze,
The are the trees that say,
It's time to leave behind dark days,

The blossoms are the heralds of spring,
So look to them and ask yourself what gifts you bring,
The gift of fertility,
The blossoms are friends of fairies,

The blossoms say,
Light is on its way,
Don't hope for happiness,
The blossoms are the end of tears


You left in a warm night of summer,
Died as a fading ember,
And we celebrated your life by the campfire,
You became a new star burning forever,

You taught me about human fragility,
We built cities,
Because that is the human legacy,
You left in the season of life and taught immortality,

The sun came, sun took your blaze,
Leaving you with blank gaze,
I'm now left to use my words to create this maze,
But life goes on and again comes new summer days


Evening breeze,
In autumn forest,
The drifting of red leaves,
Where the spirits of druids rest,

Hammering dulcimer,
Music of the pagans,
A traveller,
Of distant realms,

Home bound,
Finds himself in celtic autumn forest,
Moved by the sounds,
Of the breath of mother earth


A winter aria, The wind howls a choir,
The choir of the children,
Playing door to door at evenin',

The wolves' calling,
At moon glowing,
The street melody,
The fall and chime of pennies,

The homeless bard plays violin under the lamp,
In the church he is ready to make camp,
The jingling of the bells of Christmas eve,
And so is ending songs of eighteen-sixty-five